List in Sitefinity
Sitefinity has a few hidden gems and helpful utilities which are very handy to know about. It would be nice if they had a page listing these out. Recently I needed a list of countries. I knew the eCommerce module dealt with such a list so where was it? I went looking and found not only the list but a little bit extra.
One good thing about country details is they don't change often, so its safe to hard code these into your project as opposed to looking up a data source. Sitefinity has also done this and added a lot of helpful related data. You can find it in the LocationRetriever.
LocationRetriever locationRetriever = new LocationRetriever();
In this class you have several methods.
- GetCountries() - Get all the countries
- GetCountry(countryIsoCode) - Get a particular country
- GetStatesAndProvincies(countryIsoCode) - Gets the states or provinces for a country. (US and CA)
A country has several properties.
- Name
- IsoCode
- Latitude & Longitude
- Currency name
- Currency ISO code
- Currency ISO numeric code
- States and Provinces of that country
Some helpful stuff if you need country information.
Thanks for reading and feel free to comment - Darrin Robertson
If I was really helpful and you would buy me a coffee if you could, yay! You can.
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