7.2 Released
Sitefinity has released 7.2 in the last few days. I found this release to be quite secretive. There was never any Road Map posted for it and as I write this the Road Map is still talking about 7.1. There is some very cool features in this release. Yet, to be honest, I am at the same time wowed and ho-humm'd about the release.
When I read through all the new features of 7.2 I am pretty impressed. I think the Sitefinity team have really taken the right direction. I read a recent article which talked about the next stage of responsive design where we take into consideration not just screen size but time of day, location, THE PERSON. So what Sitefinity have delivered I think is definitely the right direction and they are ahead of the game.
But at the same time I notice that all these features are for the Marketing edition and none of my clients or myself work with that edition so its great but I won't be rolling the update out to any client in a hurry.
Still I now have a pretty strong feature to promote to those bigger clients.
Thanks for reading and feel free to comment - Darrin Robertson
If I was really helpful and you would buy me a coffee if you could, yay! You can.
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